Mods for GTA 5 - 2870 files
The Inner Force 2.0
The Inner Force - this mod adds telekinesis to the game, allowing you to lift vehicles into the air.
To use telekinesis, press the "-" (minus) key
To use telekinesis, press the "-" (minus) key
Simple Healthbar
Simple Healthbar - this mod will show you above the character's head his health and armor scale, at the moment when you aim at him. HOW TO USE: Above the head of any ped you aim at, a scale with health and armor appears. ...
Object Spooner 1.1.7 final
Object Spooner - this mod allows you to spawn any objects, ranging from characters, vehicles and things, to various objects. You can also set coordinates for exactly where the object should appear. HOW TO USE: F8 - to open the menu NumPad to select ...
Max upgrade cars 1.2
Max upgrade cars - this mod allows you to do a complete tuning of the vehicle by pressing just one button. HOW TO USE: ALT for tuning ...
Realistic Train Mod 1.1.1
Realistic Train Mod is another mod that will allow you to control trains in GTA 5. HOW TO USE: — F enter/exit the train (you must be at the train door to enter) — W forward — S back - J, K, L stop tap (light, medium and sharp, respectively) - Space...
AddonPeds 2.2
With this mod you can add any character to the game! You will need Scripthook to install; ScripthookVDotNet; NativeUI. Installation in the archive! If the menu does not appear in the game by pressing "L", then i...
Car Super Speed 6.0
Car Super Speed is a mod that adds unrealistic super-acceleration to any car in GTA 5, with one click of a button you will accelerate to probably the maximum speed in the game, and you will certainly crash somewhere. The mod for super-acceleration ...
Mobile Radio 1.1
Mobile Radio is a mod that allows you to listen to in-game radio outside of a car or other vehicle. Allows you to enjoy your favorite music even just walking along the city streets. You wanted the radio in GTA 5 to work not only in the car, this Mob...
Particle Effects v3
Particle Effects - allows you to use various particle effects in GTA 5. The game uses about 30 different effects, smoke, a sea of blood, some unknown pink crap, effects when some objects are destroyed or exploded, glow. All of these effects can be ...
Strapped 1.2
Strapped - allows you to beautifully, realistically get a gun from behind, in a gangster style. Now in GTA 5 you can take out and hide a pistol in a holster or behind a belt behind your back. And also in a holster or for a pants belt in front. The S...