Scripts for GTA 5 - 1131 files
Freeze Time [Beta] 1.0
The script allows you to stop the time in the game. Pressing the "X" key stops all moving objects in the game: cars, people, garbage... ...
Drag Meets 1.1
The mod adds some racing variety to the world of GTA V, thereby adding drag gatherings throughout the game. Features: - Drag racing throughout the map, including locations such as: LS Airport, LS Canals and Port; - More than 50 tuned cars divide...
Transport from "Robbery" in single mode v2.0
The mod adds to the single player game all the vehicles from the Heists add-on, which spawned only in GTA Online. Changes in 2.0: - Added more car types to spawn - now some vehicles drive around certain areas on the map (see map photo) - Slightly i...
hot coffee
Hot Coffee for GTA 5 - with this mod you can have different interesting camera angles while filming women of easy virtue and use them for their intended purpose. ...
Opening of interiors
Enable All Interiors (WIP) 1.9 for GTA 5. The mod allows you to open about 100 game interiors. Enable, disable or customize the interior, you can through the .ini file, or open your game phone and a convenient menu will allow you to do it there. I...
Rockstar Editor Unlimited
No Rockstar Editor Restrictions 1.5.1 for GTA 5! This plugin removes camera restrictions in Rockstar Editor. You can edit the camera regardless of location or view mode. I...
Replace Player Vehicle Script
This mod is a simple script to replace the players personal vehicle with another vehicle, the mod even supports the use of addon vehicles as the players new vehicle Mod supports replacing Franklin's Buffalo and Bagger, Trevor's Bodhi and Quadbike, ...
Police Mod
This is a compact scripted an alternative to well-known mods like: "LCPDFR" or " SAPD:FR ", which allows players to: change their appearance, turning into an American law enforcement officer, get a partner, choose a police car/helicopter, use speci...
Thirst and Hunger
NHT(Need Hunger Thirst) v1.0 - mod adds food and drink needs for your character. To quench your hunger or thirst, you need to go to any store and buy food or water. Using the inventory (default "Z") you will be able to use the purchased product. R...
Garages from DLC After Hours
After Hours Garages (SPG) 1.0 for GTA 5! This mod allows anyone playing in SinglePlayer mode to buy nightclub garages, where you will have four underground garages where you can store up to 40 cars, in the West Vinewood Neighborhood, near Vinewood B...