Scripts for GTA 5 - 1131 files
Working Flatbed
Working Flatbed 1.0 for GTA 5! This simple script allows you to use a flatbed truck as a vehicle, all you have to do is summon/find it, drive the vehicle to it and when prompted press E to release said vehicle, get into the truck and press E ....
GTA Extended - Gameplay 1.0
File uploaded by:
16 February 2018
File size:
10.33 Kb
Description: With this script, new features are added to you in the world of Grand Theft Auto V: - Open/Close the hood of your car. Repair engine (press E near open engine) - Drag any object/person (just press E over the object). Installat...
Random Hitman Mission 0.11
Random Hitman Mission for GTA 5 - this mod creates random missions to eliminate various targets. Features: - Targets are created randomly and are always different (bandits, drivers, pedestrians, cops, guards). - Random weapon. - Random places. ...
Flashback 1.2
This modification will add the ability to travel back in time. This is not the final version, the script will be further developed. Requirements: - ScriptHookV. Setting: - Copy flashback.asi to the main game folder; - Enjoy! Cont...
Firefighter Mod (Mode Sapeurs-Pompiers) 2.5B
Mod adds to the game a mini-mission to put out fires, as in other parts of GTA. Controls: - F7: fire department selection menu - F5: Randomly select outfit for character - F6: return character's original equipment - F8: enable/disable speedometer - ...
Vigilante 0.5
Vigilante - adds a police officer to GTA 5. In these missions, you need to seek out and prosecute the criminals. More passed missions, higher complexity. HOW TO USE: Get in any police car (including military transport) and press 2 to start mi...
Mind Control [LUA] 1.1
Mind Control for GTA 5 - this script allows you to move into any character or even an animal, and control it. Other features: - Make the car stop. - Destroy the engine. - Speed up the car. - Blow up the car. - Turn off the alarm. - The dri...
Driver murder
Shoot Driver 1.0 for GTA 5! Introduction: This mod allows you to kill the driver, when landing in a car, with a pistol. Usage: Stop the car with the gun. If your character is pointing a gun at the driver, you ...
Working Avenger in SP - Functioning Avenger aircraft
File uploaded by:
30 November 2018
File size:
1.23 Mb
This script makes the Avenger plane work like in GTA Online. The Avenger is a new large aircraft available for purchase on the Warstock Cache & Carry website. It is similar to the mobile command post from the “Arms Trade” update. Buying an Avenger w...