Scripts for GTA 5 - 1131 files
First Person Cutscenes 1.3 - All cut scenes from the first person
The mod adds the ability to watch all in-game video from a first-person view. Changes in version 1.3: - Added "ini" file. Now you can set the level of the field of view. - Fixed "softlock" bug; - Added experimental functionality. Installation: Move...
Speed Radar 1.1
File uploaded by:
3 July 2015
File size:
9.74 Kb
Speed Radar - police radar. Place radars and measure the speed of passing vehicles. If exceeded, you will be warned and will be able to catch the intruder. Installation: Copy the files from the archive to the scripts folder, if you do not have ...
Object Spooner 1.1.7 final
Object Spooner - this mod allows you to spawn any objects, ranging from characters, vehicles and things, to various objects. You can also set coordinates for exactly where the object should appear. HOW TO USE: F8 - to open the menu NumPad to select ...
Stockade Stickups V.0.1
File uploaded by:
16 November 2019
File size:
5.67 Kb
The mod allows you to rob collector cars like in GTA ONLINE. The mod is in early development so don't expect too much. Requirements: - Script Hook V - Script Hook V .NET - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Installation: Copy StockadeStickups.dll and S...
Realistic Train Mod 1.1.1
Realistic Train Mod is another mod that will allow you to control trains in GTA 5. HOW TO USE: — F enter/exit the train (you must be at the train door to enter) — W forward — S back - J, K, L stop tap (light, medium and sharp, respectively) - Space...
Bullet Time Mod [.NET] 1.2
DESCRIPTION: While you are aiming with a firearm the time slow down. Obviously this mod is a cheat, unless your name's Neo. REQUIREMENTS: ScriptHookV ScriptHookVDotNet INSTALLATION: Unzip '' into the 'scripts' folder....
DLC/Add-On Vehicles Spawn on Traffic 1.3
Script modification that fixes the appearance of DLC and added vehicles in street traffic. Installation: Make sure you have Script Hook V and ScriptHookV .NET installed; Copy the mod files to the "scripts" folder where your game is installed. What'...
New game in random scenario
Random Start v1.75 for GTA 5. The script allows you to start the game with a random character in a random scenario. Features and capabilities of the mod: - Random location of gg at the start; - Save custom yy; - Settings are made through the menu s...
engine overheat
EngineOverheat 1.0.3 for GTA V This script adds some realism to the game. When you drive very fast for a long time, the engine starts to heat up. When this happens, smoke will start to come out of the engine and it will stop working. You must wait ...
Firah Menu 1.34
A simple and convenient menu with a lot of options. Installation: Using ScriptHookV, move the files to the folder with GTA 5. To open the menu, use the "F9" key and the numpad to navigate. ...