Features: - Added support for +370 vehicles (+ DLC vehicles); - Vehicle spawn in console mode; - Multilingual system (support: EN-US, PT-BR / You can create and add more languages); - Editable configuration file; - Custom hotkeys; - Ability to spawn while driving; - Ability to spawn the last car (hot glavisha); - Fixed bugs; and much more...
Control/Hotkeys/Settings (config.ini file): - "TT" - to open the Spawner V menu. - "LAST" - spawn of the last car. - "TY" - to open the console, then enter the name of the desired car. (These are hotkeys, instead of "TT" - specify the desired key)
Installation: - Copy SpawnerV.dll and SpawnerV to the game folder (scripts).
(Note, required to work: ScriptHook V, Script Hook V .NET and NativeUI)