Tools for creating your own maps in GTA 5. Navigation is done in free camera mode. You can spawn any objects that are in the game. There is an opportunity to save and load maps in any format. There is support for XML and Simple Trainer formats (objects.ini).
Installation: 1. Install ScriptHookV, version released on August 23rd. 2. Install ScriptHookVDotNet v1.1 3. Download the latest NativeUI 4. Move all the contents of the .zip to the /scripts/ folder. If it doesn't exist, create it.
Controls: F7 or R3 + LB - Open the main menu. WASD or Left Stick - Control the camera and objects. Q/E or LB/RB - When an object is selected, moves it up/down. F or Controller Y - Open less objects. P or Controller Pause - Open the peds menu. V or Controller Back - Open the transport menu. Arrow Up or DPAD Up - Spawn button. Shift or Controller A - Speeds up navigation. Alt or DPAD Down - Slows down navigation. Mouse Left Click or RT - Select an object while viewing. Mouse Right Click or LT - Move the object while viewing. C or R3 - Copying an object. Del or Controller X - Deleting an object while viewing.