- Extract LUA.zip - Move the LUA.asi in the GTA5 Folder where the ScriptHookV.dll is located - Place the scripts folder in the GTA 5 Folder - Add any Scripts you want into the scripts/addins folder - Run GTA 5 over Steam or Rockstar Launcher
function tick() local playerPed = PLAYER.PLAYER_PED_ID() local player = PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_PED(playerPed) local playerExists = ENTITY.DOES_ENTITY_EXIST(playerPed) if(playerExists) then if(PED.IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(playerPed, false)) then local veh = PED.GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_IN(playerPed,true) if(get_key_pressed(115)) then VEHICLE.SET_VEHICLE_FORWARD_SPEED(veh,500) end end end end