Police car Volkswagen Beetle-Fusca. The high quality model includes:
— The size corresponding to the dimensions of the original machine; -Characters sit correctly; — The driver's hands are located on the steering wheel; — Customized characteristics; — Textures interior HD quality; —Support for standard license plates; —Working wipers on the windshield; -Breaking windows; –Reflections in the rear-view mirrors; - The windows on the sirens are beating.
— In the Modsupdateupdate.rpfcommondatahandling.meta file, replace the content of POLICEOLD with the content from handling.txt; —In the Modsupdateupdate.rpfcommondatalevelsgta5vehicles.meta file, replace the content of POLICEOLD1 with the content from vehicles.txt; —Place the rest of the files from the archive in ModsX64e.rpflevelsgta5vehicles.rpf.