The mod adds to the game the ability to create and save your missions of varying degrees of difficulty. The choice is available to create four types of missions: murder, destruction and capture of vehicles, come to the checkpoint. After installing the mod, you will have the opportunity to go through 4 demo missions that demonstrate the capabilities of the mod.
Hot keys: H - open mod menu; Esc - close the menu Backspace - back; Arrows - menu navigation; Enter - choice; Num7 and Num9 - rotate the object; Num4 - move object to the left; Num6 - move object to the right; Num2 - move object forward; Num8 - move object back; Num5 - reset the position of the label.
//Install// 1. Install the Script Hook V mod; 2.Install asi plugin Script Hook V .NET; 3.Install NativeUI Mod; 4. Copy the files from the archive with the mod to the folder with the installed game.