Goes to replace the stripper. ATTENTION, VERY FINDING SKIN 18+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Installation instructions: Import files to IMG archive: Using the SparkIV or OpenIV program, import the files from the "To import to componentpeds.img" folder into...
Pak models of various female characters. Installing : 1. Open with OpenIV archive componentpeds.img . 2. Replace files from the game archive with similar files from the folder componentpeds.img . 3. Open with OpenIV archive componentpeds.i...
Lara Croft in a diving suit. Features : Good quality model. Everything is set! Installing : 1 - replace file move_f@casual_c.wad in anim.img . 2 - replace files f_y_stripperc02.wdd, f_y_stripperc02.wft and f_y_stripperc02.wtd in componetped...