Beta version of the car Landstalker . Changes: • Removed icons. • Removed toning. Features: • Has no bugs. • Does not spoil the atmosphere of the game. The model from the 2009 beta mod was taken as the basis, but it had unpleasant bugs tha...
Features: - The model supports the basic functions of the game; - Detailed 3D model; - Well-designed salon; - Your own shadow; - Correct work of optics, functioning stroboscopes; - Customized collision; - Customized Handling; - The correct disk wi...
Vapid Sandking SWB (Stock) for GTA 4 Model from GTA 5, some details and textures from GTA 4 Prototype model - 2011-2016 Ford Super Duty Features: -New mudguards; -Your Lods; -Adjusted collision; -Your own camera; -Improved mesh; -Modified rear bum...