-Detailed study of the interior and other parts of the car; -3D-details of interior, engine; -Fully functioning light; -Realistic damage; -Your settings; -EPM settings; - Gets dirty, scratched, there are traces of bullets, breaking glass; - Open and ...
An interesting idea to turn a Lamborghini Aventador into a crazy Monster truck. What came of it and what are the features of this miracle, look at the video! ...
Экстремальный немецкий суперкар — неизгладимое впечатление от своей мощи и исключительной динамики. Gumpert Apollo Sport является воплощением высоких эксплуатационных характеристик и великолепно сбалансированного аэродинамичного стиля. Особенности...
Modified good quality Landstalker 4x4: - New wheels in the style of GTA 5; - New license plate; - Optimized work of optics (in the style of GTA 5); - There are extras; - Your own shadow; - Made general improvements to the model....
- The model supports the basic functions of the game engine; - High-quality 3D model; -HD textures; - Optimizing the work of optics; - Breaking glass, headlights; - Damaged all parts of the body; - Own shadow; - Quality tires and wheels; - The driver...
Rally Renault Megane RS N4 for GTA IV. - Detailed model; - High-quality exterior; - Functioning light; - Customized handling; - On the windshield and rear windows there are cracks from bullets; - The driver holds on to the steering wheel; - Outside,...