Daewoo-FSO Polonez P-120 Concept 1998 for GTA 4 Authors: Lazlow555, darewnoo. E-mail: lazlow555@ukr.net, konradrak.moto@interia.pl Features: - The model has its own settings. - The model has a frame for the number. Have a good game!...
Daewoo Lanos Sport US 2001 for GTA 4. Authors: Lazlow555, darewnoo. E-mail: lazlow555@ukr.net, konradrak.moto@interia.pl Features: - The model has its own settings. - Model has Liberty City numbers. Have a good game!...
Daewoo Shiraz Concept 1997 for GTA 4 Authors: Lazlow555, darewnoo. E-mail: lazlow555@ukr.net, konradrak.moto@interia.pl Features: - The model has its own settings. - The model has a frame for the number. Have a good g...
Declasse Rancher Sportside for GTA 4. Prototype: 80s Chevrolet Blazer and 70s/80s Chevrolet pickups. Features: - Own LODs. - Customized collision. - Has extras. - Your settings. - The model fits into the atmosphere of the game. Have a good game!...