The dragon is such a small dragon, abandoned by God knows what force on the streets of Liberty City. Creeps funny. But what happens when he grows up? Features: replaces peda. Do not forget to put + for the author's efforts. ...
Sylvester Stallone - old Sly, let him be unstoppable, but he is already really ... old. But movies and video games work wonders. Therefore, Sylvester in the prime of his life and years can easily run around Liberty City for years and do whatever his ...
The well-known character from the game Crash Bandicoot. Everyone used to love to play this game, but for everyone, a fan of this game created the Crash character. The character is made in HD quality, can be replaced with any character, + "bugs" were ...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) - Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo - almost everyone knows these names from childhood. And if I don’t know, then they had a bad childhood. And then the time came when the sewer manholes of Liberty City...