VisualIV - adds the following effects to the usual graphics of GTA 4: improved reflections, increased viewing distance, improved water, some textures and more. The mod can be used with: - ENBSeries. - Ultimate Textures 2.0 - Added support for GTA 4 ...
Mod description: - improved some textures - improved and optimized shadows - realistic shadow saturation - realistic and improved reflections - best visual distance - improved water - movement of clouds relative to the sun - Water moves more smoothly...
This mod makes driving cars and motorcycles more realistic and raises the maximum speed and intensity of acceleration to the level of real prototypes. In addition, the mod makes the control of helicopters as realistic as possible (within the framewor...
2nd version of improved explosions. What's new? Reduced damage at the end radius of explosions. Now there is a big opportunity that you will be thrown back, and not immediately killed. Improved truck explosion light effect. Slightly balanced damage i...
A small graphics mod that improves the Motion Blur and Depth Of Field in-game effects and smooths the shadows to make them more realistic. The archive contains 6 versions of the mod with different settings for the game version and below, as ...
A large global graphics mod that changes the weather in the game to a more beautiful and realistic one, and also improves shadows, reflections and much more. Fifth version of the mod.
Optimal drag settings for DUKES: --The car does not roll over in corners --acceleration to 100km/h in less than 1.5 seconds --maximum speed over 450 km/h (then the speedometer scale ended) - the machine stops steadily and evenly