This mod will help protect against evil spammers :D (tugs, helicopters, attaching objects, etc.), as well as:
- "Player model protection" - "Protect you from freeze gun" - "Protect all from freeze gun" - "Anti-attach objects" (Deleting objects attached to your player. Correction: cannot delete saved objects) - "Vehicle-spam removing" (Removing vehicle spam: Tug, Annihilator, Marquis, Bus, Trash master, Phantom, Maverick, Police Maverick, Tour maverick, Reefer, Predator, Flatbed, Swift, Police stockade, Noose stockade, Securicar, Ambulance Edit: can't delete saved vehicles) - Car antitheft control" (Anti-theft car protection - no one will be able to control your vehicle while you are inside (and you are the driver)) unless you control with the WASD keys)