Mod, thanks to which your hard-earned money can be stored in the bank and still have interest on it. Not because you are greedy, but because you are such a good person.
At the ATM press Bto start a transaction. Press Bto stop it. The right and left arrow keys are needed to move money and withdraw them. The up and down controls the amount of money you deposit into the account at one time. Press Delto break the deal.
You will still receive +1% from your total balance per day.
Mod features: the less money you have in cash, the less you will lose if arrested or killed. The more money you have in your account, the more you earn on interest.
If you want to change the interest rate, then in *.cs file, change the value of the line "INTERESt_RATE" .
Money in the account is saved only when using safe houses! This will be fixed in future versions if the author finds them. The balance is displayed on the screen ATMATM by clicking on E.