GTA IV Mod Installer v1.2 - Simple mod installer

28 April
GTA IV Mod Installer (GIMI) will allow you to install mods and new cars for GTA IV without directly manually editing the game files. GIMI does all the work for you, making installing and removing mods really easy. A couple of clicks and you're done.
In the screenshots, you can observe the interface of the program itself. Quite comfortable and modern, isn't it?
The new version (v1.2) adds support for GTA EFLC, as well as fixes some bugs and changes to the interface. All details in Readme.
GTA IV Mod Installer (GIMI) allows you to install mods and custom vehicles made for GTA IV
without having to edit the game files yourself. GIMI practically does all of the work for you, which makes mod
installing (and uninstalling) as easy as a few clicks.
GTA IV Mod Installer (GIMI) позволит вам устанавливать моды и новые машины для GTA IV без непосредственного ручного редактирования файлов игры. GIMI сделает всю работу за вас, что делает установку и удаление модов по настоящему простыми. Пара кликов - и всё готово.
На скриншотах же вы можете наблюдать интерфейс самой программы. Весьма удобный и современный, не так ли?
В новой версии (v1.2) добавлена поддержка GTA EFLC, а также исправлены некоторые баги и внесены правки в интерфейс. Все подробности в Readme.
GTA IV Mod Installer (GIMI) allows you to install mods and custom vehicles made for GTA IV
without having to edit the game files yourself. GIMI practically does all of the work for you, which makes mod
installing (and uninstalling) as easy as a few clicks.
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