UAZ 31514 prepared for trophy raids. Caught by me on the Internet in the version for GTA VICE CITY (available on the screenshots) and brought to a divine form (now it doesn’t shine like a vaseline and does not exceed the width of a hummer and a bus)
УАЗ 31514 подготовленный для трофи рейдов. Отловлен мною на просторах интернета в версии для GTA VICE CITY (есть на скринах) и приведен в божеский вид(теперь не блестит как навазелиненый и не превосходит шириной хаммер и автобус)
On October 25, 2010, Liberty Unleashed was released. In order to play it, you need to install a clean (no mods) version of GTA III. The archive also includes a server for Windows and Linux. Interface similar to SA-MP Have a good game!
Save for GTA III Snow City Beta 2. In this save, all packages are collected, all missions are completed, including secondary ones, all the weapons at each Claude's house, bribes from the police, etc. P.S. - saving is suitable for those who do not w...
NoCD for GTA 3 v1.1 for Russifiers from "Buk" and "1C". Unlike other cracks, with this one the text in the game is displayed normally, and not crooked. And the crack itself is good, I completed the entire game 100% with it and didn’t notice any bu...
A good, completely Russian mod for your LU server. Features of the mod: There are a lot of cars in the cities. All skins have been used. Player registration system. Everything is completely in Russian. New controls for all cars like in...
Description: The model contains 83626 polygons Detailed study of the interior and other parts of the car 3D details of interior, engine Fully functioning front and rear lights All parts of the car are damaged Factory colors For the normal functioning...
Description --------------- With this mod, you can spawn any car by pressing TAB + INSERT. Press RIGHT or LEFT to select the desired machine. Confirm your selection with the SHIFT key or cancel with the ENTER key. Some models, such as the train or he...
The mod replaces the textures of all trees, bushes and stones in the sea with better and more beautiful ones! Many textures are 2048*2048, thanks to which the trees look amazing! And at the same time it looks quite good against the textures from Rock...
Save for GTA 3 (Android) - 100% completion of the 10th Anniversary Edition. All quests completed plus some nice additions: More than 7,000,000 in the account, all weapons, and rare cars in garages. After downloading, the file must be placed in ...
This patch fixes the following bugs in GTA HD mod: v1 -freeze on new game -freeze when entering Portland - subway tunnels -textures of the house and garages of v-th savehouse -adds some vegetation in the suburbs cut from the mod v2 -optimized and fi...
The script makes it possible after you have been arrested by the cops to redeem your weapon for $ 2,000! For the script to work, you need to install the cleo library.
Russifier for the game Grand Theft Auto III, made on the basis of the Russifier from Buk. It was created specifically for the Steam version of the game, but may be suitable for other versions. In this configuration, the crack is only text, but the ...
------------Attention!!! For the contest!!!------------ The mod replaces the old textures in Salvatore's Gentlemen's Club with new ones of higher quality. The textures of the floor, walls, upholstered furniture, etc. have been replaced. You've probab...