Car ++ - Reveals all the possibilities of a car
It makes it possible to use the functionality of car manipulation existing in GTA 3.
We drop car ++. Cs from the archive into the CLEO folder
After the first launch, the ini file CLEO / car ++. Ini will be created (The template is in the archive)
FAST_EXIT = 1; Ability to "Throw out" the car
GPS_IN_TAXI = 1; Auto pilot in a taxi, to chase cars
CAR_NEAR_RADIUS = 250; Car search radius
Keys available:
In auto:
L - Block / unblock the car
If the car is open, close it from the outside, if it is closed from the outside, close it from the inside as well, otherwise open it.
Also, remembers the last closed car, so that later it can be opened.
H - You / Siren / Jingle in the ice cream van.
I (Hold) - Information about the state of the car: HP, speed, whether the siren or taxi lights are on, the status of the doors (-1 - closed both outside and inside, 0 - open, 1 - closed outside).
In the taxi:
T - You / Turn on the light on the taxi checker (Taxi lights).
If IN_TAXI.GPS_IN_TAXI, and G is pressed:
We select the required car: Space - Select
Shift-Space - Next
We select an action:
1) Drive up to the car
2) Follow him
3) Block the path of the car
Select the type of driving:
1) Simple
2) Neat
Choosing a style ... And off we go.
Outside auto:
L - open a previously closed car
G - Take a passenger
I advise you to install Veh_Free_Cam, for a complete immersion.
It is planned to add some functionality, write ideas in the comments.
fast and easy
0.1car-raskryvaet-vse-vozmozhnosti-avto-v_1641629924_134330.zipPassword: libertycity