Font from GTA: Raccoon City Stories, transferred to GTA 3: Zombie Mod. The font has been adapted to the font of the original GTA 3. In that mod there were exclamation marks after some letters, as well as merging letters - I tried to fix all this, but there may be other small and insignificant jambs that I could not fix. Also, one more feature - recolored inscriptions like the names of cars and the names of city districts are written in the original font. This decision was made due to the fact that for some reason the second file with fonts does not want to be replaced, and these fonts are located there.
Easter eggs have been added:
If you press the button to change the position of the camera while in the car, you will see something interesting, instead of an alert about changing the angle.
1) drop fonts.txd into the models folder, which is in the directory with GTA 3: Zombie Mod - replacement; 2) put french.gxt into the TEXT folder, which is in the directory with GTA 3: Zombie Mod - replacement.