CSR East instead of Game FM
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22 February 2022csr-east-vzamesto-game-fm_1645545985_458890.zip
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5 December 2022
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Improved Game FM radio station
Game FM — The Definitive Edition This modification, improves the Game FM radio station, and also increases the duration of the radio station from 15 to 40 minutes. Features: Quality modification; Adds new tracks. Enjoy the game.
30 November 2021
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Dot instead of sight
Simple Reticle Now instead of the old sight, you will see a dot.
12 January 2022
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

CSR East
CSR East for GTA 3 Definitive Edition New radio station for GTA 3 Definitive Edition.

75 MB
14 November 2021
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Original sounds in the GTA 3 game menu
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy "Original GTA III menu sounds" A mod that replaces the menu sounds of GTA 3 The Definitive Edition with the correct ones from the classic version of the game, since GTA 3 originally uses the sounds of GTA San Andreas.
19 November 2021
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Jazz Radio Double Cleff FM v1.1
Double Cleff FM - Wiseguy Edition (New Playlist) A new modification for the Grand Theft Auto 3 Remaster that adds over 40 minutes of jazz music and the best classical compositions from the 1950s to the 1960s and 1970s to the game. The mod significa...
14 November 2022
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Rise FM - new radio station
RISE FM - The Definitive Edition This modification is to replace the old Rise FM radio station with a more updated one. The duration of the radio station is 40 minutes. Tracklist: Sasha & Emerson - Scorchio (2000) DJ Tiesto - Flight 643 (2...

152 MB
27 November 2022
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

OR-Bit FM radio station
OR-Bit FM Concept Radio Station This modification, replaces the talk radio Chatterbox FM. Now you will have 45 minutes of selected tracks that fit the atmosphere of the game. Track list: Derrick May — Kaotic Harmony; Aphex Twin — Cock/ver1...

94 MB
15 January 2023
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Completed game by 51%
Completed game by 51% for GTA 3: The Definitive Edition My save for GTA 3: The Definitive Edition! Completed all optional missions at the beginning of the game, also collected 99 out of 100 packages, completed all unique jumps and rampages, impor...
16 November 2021
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Colored icons of radio stations
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy (GTA 3) Colored radio icons This modification makes the icons of radio stations colored, as they were in the original GTA 3.
9 December 2021
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Completed game
This save completed the main storyline. How to load the save - read the readme.txt in the archive. Have a nice game!

68 kB
12 February 2022
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Save the game anywhere
Save Anywhere in GTA 3 The Definitive Edition With this script, you can save the game anywhere. For the mod to work, you need CLEO Redux . You can download here (clickable) . Installation: move the file to Gameface/Binaries/Win64/CLEO.
7 March 2022
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Improving the speed and management of transport
Higher speed and acceleration Plus better control for Grand Theft Auto 3 The Definitive Edition This modification will allow you to improve the speed and control of transport.

3 kB
16 November 2021
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Game completed 100%
Grand Theft Auto III Definitive Edition 100% Features: - Passed all the main tasks; - Completed telephone missions; - Completed RC missions; - Passed import/export; - Completed side missions; - Collected all collectibles; - Made all the tricks.

270 kB
18 February 2022
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Quick entry of cheat codes
Convenient Cheats for Grand Theft Auto 3 Definitive Edition With this script, you will be able to enter some cheat codes using keyboard combinations. Controls: Key combinations go from 1-9 and look like this: - 1 - Increase wanted level; - 2 - ...
5 August 2022
GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

Radio Del Mundo from GTA Liberty City Stories
This mod replaces the Chatterbox FM radio station with the Radio Del Mundo radio station from GTA Liberty City Stories, there are also songs from the mobile version of the game. Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Tracklist: Ahmed Mneimneh - "Aini...

75 MB
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