Meet Claude and his identical brother Fedor. Where Fedor undertook to explain for quite a long time, so I'd better leave a save for everyone. One thing I can say is that it is without cheats. Fedor is the new Claude, and Claude is the old one. Carefully! Old Claude does not recover after death, but in general he is a full-fledged Persian, with the possible exception of the fact that he cannot sit in a wheelbarrow. If you wish, you can unrealistically do a lot here. You can fly into space, you can send one Persian on a mission, you can ride together on a boat. Fantasy for jokes has no limits here! If you are tired of Claude, you can shoot him, or break his intellect, that is, make him a pedestrian (he will live his own life and will not disappear. If you wish, you can make him controllable again). The save is absolutely working, the game can be played further, and the dots on the radar do not interfere at all. Cheer up, gentlemen!