Russifier, translating into Russian all the remarks of passers-by in GTA 2. Follow the installer's instructions carefully to avoid installation problems. In fact, the authors of the translation were unknown at the time of download, and the crack we...
Follow the installer's instructions carefully. In fact, the authors of the translation were unknown at the time of download, and the crack went to the people as ZoG.
GTADS is short for Grand Theft Auto Dedicated Server. GTADS was originally written as a chat server/client framework to allow GTA1 players to play each other without having to deal with direct game ports over the internet. GTADS currently plans t...
GTA2 Game Hunter is a mixture of IRC Chat Client and main server for Grand Theft Auto 2. With this program you can find opponents for the official GTA 2 multiplayer mode. - IRC server and port downloaded from - Defaul...
An improved version of the official GTA 2 map editor. The editor is essential if you want to massively change the setting of your game. Compared to the regular editor, the Epic GTA2 Editor is more advanced and has more features. The author under the...