Camera Settings Mod
The mod allows you to change some camera settings, and also adds swaying effects when driving and crashes. If I find any other interesting parameters in the future, they will also be added here. If you don’t need any of the scripts, then simply delete cleo from the folder.
Car camera:
-Z position of the camera (Perhaps each car has its own setting);
-Camera tilt angle;
-Distance from the car;
- Camera swing (Similar was in Vital’s script);
-Rolling of the camera during impact and braking
Camera when aiming:
-Camera X position
-Z position of the camera
-Position of the aiming point along X (the player is also aiming there)
-Position of the aiming point along Y (the player is aiming there too)
-Setting the zoom for rifles (when you aim with an AK, for example, the game zooms the camera a little)
Thanks for the video footage and screenshots: eCoJ (aka Smart), WezzyQT.
fast and easy
camera-settings-mod_1720582587_535550.rarDownloadPassword: libertycity