Behind Space Of Realities (Lite) - YCH Build 1 (B-F-YCH-1)
1485864406_bsorf_b-f-ych-1.zipDownload (24.85 MB)Password for the archive: libertycity
- for the archive: libertycity
The first author's build Behind Space Of Realities, by virtue of demonstrating the design abilities of Behind Space Of Realities. This assembly is based on DLC and some parts of vegetation from different major versions. The main one used by DLC is CryEngine #2, which contains vegetation from Crysis. There are also new grass textures.
Basic Vegetation, Vegetation Catalog, Unique Vegetation Parts:
1 - Elm-tree 1 - C-AD-5
2 - Elm-tree 2 - C-AD-5
3 - Country trees - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
4 - Trees 1 (Trees 1) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
5 - Trees 2 (Trees 2) - C-LAD-1
6 - Trees 3 (Trees 3) - C-LAD-1
7 - Oak-tree - C-TBSA-7
8 - Cypress (Cypress) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
9 - Bald cypress - C-CLV-8
10 - Huge trees - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
11 - High spruce C-CLV-8
12 - Spruces - Call of Juarez Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
13 - Fir (Firs) - Skyrim Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
14 - Redwoods - Call of Juarez Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
15 - Pine (Pine-tree) - C-CLV-8
16 - Softwoods 1 - C-CLV-8
17 - Softwoods 2 - C-CLV-8
18 - Shrubs - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
19 - Weed Bushes (Bushland) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
20 - Badlands - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
21 - Flowers - C-TBSA-7
22 - Pots - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
24 - Palm trees with garlands (Garlands_P) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
25 - Fuzzy Grass (Fuzzyplant)
26 - Ferns - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
27 - Tree Sprouts (Grassland) - C-CLV-8
28 - Herbs (Rushes) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
29 - Grasslanda (Grasslanda) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
30 - Broken trees C-CLV-8
31 - Joshua-tree - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
32 - Prickles - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
33 - Prickly pear - C-CLV-8
34 - P. Bushes (DesShrubs) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
35 - Saguaro cactus - C-CLV-8
36 - P. Rocks (DesRocks) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
37 - Lods1 (LQ Lods1) - Call of Juarez Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
38 - Lods2 (LQ Lods2) - C-CLV-8
39 - Curbs - C-CLV-8
40 - Log (Log) - Call of Juarez Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
41 - Vines - C-CLV-8
42 - Stones - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
43 - Garbage heaps - C-CLV-8
44 - Underwater (Underwater_P) - C-CLV-8
Herb set:
1) Grass models: BSOR, Type-2 BSOR01 grass models
2) Grass textures: BSOR, CryEngine #2, 256
3) Grass customization - BSOR, with colors of grass, level 3 (for Standard Game)
Behind Space Of Realities "Facilitated"- the main version of the modification or assembly, with a simplified installation for dummies. Unlike the original archive, it offers default content with no choice. In the lite version, seasons and texture resolution limits are cut. Also, the clothed version eliminates the possibility of customization.
- This archive is customization.
- Mipmapping is disabled when resaving TXD files.
- There should be no fires with the installation
- All information in PDF format
Первая авторская сборка Behind Space Of Realities, в силу демонстрации конструкторских способностей Behind Space Of Realities. Данная сборка основана на DLC и некоторых частей растительности с разных основных версий. Основное, используемое DLC - это CryEngine #2, которое содержит растительность из Crysis. Также присутствуют новые текстуры трав.
Основная растительность, каталог Vegetation, уникальные части растительности:
1 - Вяз 1 (Elm-tree 1) - C-AD-5
2 - Вяз 2 (Elm-tree 2) - C-AD-5
3 - Деревенские деревья (Country trees) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
4 - Деревья 1 (Trees 1) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
5 - Деревья 2 (Trees 2) - C-LAD-1
6 - Деревья 3 (Trees 3) - C-LAD-1
7 - Дуб (Oak-tree) - C-TBSA-7
8 - Кипарис (Cypress) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
9 - Лысый кипарис (Bald cypress) - C-CLV-8
10 - Огромные деревья (Huge trees) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
11 - Высокая ель (High spruce) C-CLV-8
12 - Елки (Spruces) - Call of Juarez Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
13 - Пихта (Firs) - Skyrim Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
14 - Секвойи (Redwoods) - Call of Juarez Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
15 - Сосна (Pine-tree) - C-CLV-8
16 - Хвойные 1 (Softwoods 1) - C-CLV-8
17 - Хвойные 2 (Softwoods 2) - C-CLV-8
18 - Кусты (Shrubs) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
19 - Кусты сорняка (Bushland) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
20 - Плохая почва (Badlands) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
21 - Цветы (Flowers) - C-TBSA-7
22 - Горшечные (Pots) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
23 - Пальмы (Palms) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
24 - Пальмы с гирляндами (Garlands_P) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
25 - Нечеткая трава (Fuzzyplant)
26 - Папоротники (Ferns) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
27 - Проростки елок (Grassland) - C-CLV-8
28 - Травы (Rushes) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
29 - Травянистый сорняк (Grasslanda) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
30 - Сломанные деревья (Broken trees) C-CLV-8
31 - Дерево Джошуа (Joshua-tree) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
32 - Колючки (Prickles) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
33 - Опунция (Prickly pear) - C-CLV-8
34 - П.Кусты (DesShrubs) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
35 - Сагуаро кактус (Saguaro cactus) - C-CLV-8
36 - П.Скалы (DesRocks) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
37 - Лоды1 (LQ Lods1) - Call of Juarez Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
38 - Лоды2 (LQ Lods2) - C-CLV-8
39 - Бордюры (Curbs) - C-CLV-8
40 - Бревно (Log) - Call of Juarez Firs #1, DLC Packages vol. #1
41 - Лианы (Vines) - C-CLV-8
42 - Камни (Stones) - CryEngine #2, DLC Packages vol. #2
43 - Мусорные кучи (Garbage heaps) - C-CLV-8
44 - Подводная часть (Underwater_P) - C-CLV-8
Набор трав:
1) Модели трав: BSOR, Type-2 BSOR01 grass models
2) Текстуры трав: BSOR, CryEngine #2, 256
3) Настройка травы - BSOR, with colors of grass, level 3 (for Standard Game)
Behind Space Of Realities "Facilitated" (Облегченный) - основная версия модификации или сборка, с упрощённой установкой для чайников. В отличие от оригинального архива, здесь предлагается контент по умолчанию без возможности выбора. В облегченной версии вырезаны сезоны и лимиты разрешений текстур. Установлен по умолчанию лимит разрешений текстур 512, который оптимален для качества и производительности. Также, облеченная версия исключает возможность кастомизации.
- Данный архив кастомизация.
- Мипмапинг отключается при пересохранении TXD файлов.
- Возгораний с установкой случиться не должно
- Вся информация в PDF формате
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