Fans of films, games, and comics often put forward unusual interpretations of the plot of their favorite works. Among them, there are both attempts to logically explain what is happening, and truly crazy assumptions. In this article, we have collected the most interesting fan theories about the Grand Theft Auto series.
Caution, there are important plot spoilers in the text!
In a nutshell about fan theories
Fan thoughts are recognized as canon only if they are confirmed by the developers. This can happen in official social media accounts or in the plot of the next game in the series, which directly confirms the fan theory. In any other case, we are simply presented with interesting thoughts that can make you think or make you smile. Whether to believe them or not is up to you.
Claude from GTA 3 is mute
Let's start with a completely reasonable theory — Claude from the third GTA does not speak because he can't. At the same time, he hears everything, and those around him pretend not to notice his muteness. It was even suggested that the hero's vocal cords were damaged because Catalina hit him in the throat. But this particular moment does not fit well with the events of San Andreas, which unfolded nine years before GTA 3. There we also saw Claude, who was silent the whole time. And it is difficult to imagine that after a bullet hit the middle of the neck, a person can survive at all.
The events of GTA 3 take place in Claude's imagination
At the very beginning of the third GTA, Catalina shoots Claude. He survives and finds a way to take revenge. But there is an assumption that the main character of the game is left bleeding out in that very alley next to the bank. And everything we see in the game is the work of the subconscious during agony. This theory explains all the oddities in GTA 3, from the accrual of money for aggressive actions to the absence of motorcycles, which Claude does not like. You can also notice that the storyline ends the same way it began — with a loud gunshot. According to some people, this is the same sound, which in the consciousness of the main character stretched out over time.
Tommy Vercetti from GTA: Vice City is Lucia's father from the sixth part
Fans of the series noticed the similarity in appearance between Tommy Vercetti and Lucia from GTA 6. A theory appeared that this girl is the biological daughter of the main character of Vice City. And her mother turned out to be Mercedes Cortez. Here one can object that the action of these games takes place in different universes, but such trifles do not stop fans.
Gun dealer Emmet from GTA: San Andreas is one of the accomplices in the assassination attempt on Sweet
In the San Andreas prequel video, you can see a Ballas car driving down the alley where Emmet lives. His shop is located on the gang's territory, and the traitor Big Smoke volunteered to accompany CJ during the meeting with the gun dealer. Probably so that the man would not say anything unnecessary.
Michael from GTA 5 was not in the witness protection program
The witness protection program provides for the protection of people important to the trial, whose testimony is essential to the investigation. But as a result of the botched robbery, none of the participants were charged. Brad was killed, Trevor escaped, and Michael settled in Los Santos under a new name. And since there is no trial, there can be no witnesses, as well as their protection from former accomplices. What we have here is simply an illegal deal that turned out to be beneficial to both Dave and De Sante himself.
Lester from GTA 5 is Brad
According to some fans, Brad survived the injury, went into hiding, changed his name and started organizing robberies. At the same time, he stopped participating in them personally. This hypothesis is supported by the similarity in appearance of the two heroes. And Lester's illness, due to which he moves with the help of a cane, may be a consequence of the injury. In addition, he thanks Michael for the fact that De Santa never revealed his name.
It is worth noting that this theory does not fit with certain dialogues, according to which the heroes collaborated with Lester when Brad was still alive. In addition, Trevor recognized his former accomplice when he dug up his grave.
Trevor, Franklin and Michael represent three different stages of the GTA series
According to this hypothesis, Trevor brings to mind the first two parts, where lawlessness and cruelty are at the forefront. Franklin's story is reminiscent of a man's rise from the very bottom to wealth and luxury, like Tommy Vercetti from Vice City. And Michael demonstrates the harsh reality of crime in the spirit of what we saw in GTA 4.
Fictitious brand names are the result of a strange perception of GTA heroes
In miGrand Theft Auto has a lot of weird brands. The social network LifeInvader, the TV show Fame or Shame, the beer Pißwasser — all of this sounds funny, but it can hardly exist in reality. For example, no one would drink alcohol with such a name. Some fans believe that all the brands in GTA have real names, but the characters perceive them a little distorted in their minds. At the same time, they see the true essence of things. You can draw an analogy with the film They Live, where the protagonist, thanks to special glasses, saw the real meaning of advertising slogans.
All GTA games are Hollywood movies
As evidence of this theory, the main plot lines of all parts are cited, which resemble a movie with a clear introduction, development and ending. You can also mention the actual immortality of the main characters, because the protagonists of action movies cannot die. In a similar way, you can explain the possibility of finding a firearm in a gateway and the impunity of key characters — it is enough to escape from the police so that they stop looking for you. In many action films, serious crimes are also “forgotten” by law enforcement agencies.
Are you interested in fan theories? Or do you prefer only official information from the developers? Share your opinions in the comments!