A representative of Rockstar politely asked us to take the Liberty City Preservation Project links down because the legal team had an issue with it. He was very professional. We removed the links as a gesture of good faith, and made sure both parties agreed as to how we'd address this to the community.
After two Zoom meetings and several back and forth emails regarding how we could work together in the future, the contact from Rockstar became unresponsive in this area.
Later on, we became aware that one of the paid Liberty City mods suddenly had GTA IV props, custom scenarios, bug fixes, fixed up interiors, animated signs, subway and tunnel lighting, fixed traffic paths, etc. Here is one example: reseller-hall-of-shame
This is a very strange coincidence considering these mods have always replaced the props with GTA V props. I emailed the contact from Rockstar, sending him a link to the project. He told me that he forwarded it to their enforcement teams (though I now have my doubts about that).
Currently, these expensive Liberty City mods (some of which sell for prices of around 500 Euros) are still up. It seems like claims made in the original FiveM developers' blog are correct. I don't want to get into speculation, but it wouldn't be surprising if someone is getting a slice of the pie.
Due to these revelations, we are uncertain if this takedown request is genuine.
Everyone says Rockstar is bad, but seems like they're even worse than people give them (dis)credit for. I have never seen this level of corporate pettiness before.
A good read on how internal fighting within FiveM led to some shady shit, the GTAV leak and much more. Rockstar took a gamble buying FiveM and it seems to have blew up in their face.